Born 1962. visual artist, musician and organizer of various art events, including “Kunst im Bau” and “Klang im Dach”. In addition to his individual artistic activities, he has been working with Rasha Ragab as the artist couple toffaha since 2012.
Ferne Schlote im Meer
2007 / 2021 | 8 min
From the shore of the Pacific Ocean, only smoking factory chimneys can be seen in the dense haze where the sea should actually be. Sometimes dimly. The split screen is designed to look like an open book, in which the diffuse visibility of the chimneys slowly moves from the left to the right side. The arrangement of the chimneys forms a bowl shape. The constellation provides space for various associations and references to current issues. The recordings were made in 2007 and were shaped into this video in the Corona year 2021.
Works Numerous exhibitions, concerts, performances and multimedia projects at home and abroad since 1994.