Leila Fatima Keita, queer filmmaker, has been studying documentary film in Munich since 2020. She leads workshops on topics such as feminism, identity and film as postcolonial practice. Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation since 2023.

wenn du wir sagst – meinst du nicht mich (when you say we – you don’t mean me)
2023 | 4:29 min
Video, Sound Stereo | German
B: archive.org | E: Hengameh Yaghoobifarah, Leila Fatima Keita
An exploration of the feeling of grief and isolation after consuming supposedly progressive material. Who has the power to narrate and what narratives have inscribed themselves in history?
The short film is an attempt to recognise, name and de-name colonial gazes in the future. It is a response to everything that screams “together” but always remains with itself.