PROGRAMM-Flyer [PDF] (German)
CATALOG [PDF] (German, English)
- Feature films A-Z
- Country focus: UKRAINE – BABYLON’13
- Artist in Focus: HARALD VOGL
- Labor of Love: Film School Friedl Kubelka
- documents & experiments (shorts) A-Z
Feature films A-Z
À Vendredi, Robinson Mitra Farahani FR/CH/IR/LB 2022| 96 min | Farsi, French, Engl. OV Engl. ST With Jean-Luc Godard, Ebrahim Golestan Humorous competition of giants. In Sussex, Iranian writer and filmmaker Ebrahim Golestan receives a message from Jean-Luc Godard on Lake Geneva. For 29 Fridays, the two 90-year-old Robinsons outdo each other in a multi-media correspondence. friday 07 oct 18:00 filmmuseum | Guest: Fabrice Aragno |
Aftersun Lluís Galter ES 2022 | 70 min | Catalan, German OV Engl. ST | German Premiere Summer by the sea. Three teenagers spy on a seasonal worker dressed as a bear, and a kidnapping story fuels their imagination. Amalgam of documentary exploration, detective story and fairy tale. monday 10 oct 18:00 theatiner |
Answering the Sun Rainer Kohlberger AT 2022 | 60 min | No dialogues | German Premiere Seduction, overstimulation and deception of the senses. Monochrome pumping color surfaces. Drone sounds: staged here is nothing less than the sun itself. The abstract long film brings us in a psychedelic screen trip to maximum visual, auditory and ultimately physical experiences. saturday 8 oct 21:00 filmmuseum | Guest: Rainer Kohlberger |
Berlin JWD Bernhard Sallmann DE 2022 | 74 min | German OV Engl. ST | German Premiere “Janz weit draußen”, outside Berlin: There’s the Spree-Teltow Pyramid, the Arkenberge, the Dichtervillen. Everything is as spectacular as it is banal. A true eye opener. monday 10 oct 17:30 werkstattkino | Zu Gast: Bernhard Sallmannlm |
Il Buco Michelangelo Frammartino IT/FR/DE 2021 | 93 min | Ital. OV Engl. ST Documentary and extremely accurate reenactment of the expedition to one of the deepest caves in the world, discovered in 1961 in Pollino, southern Italy. Deep down it goes into the “buco” the maw of the earth. sunday 9 oct 11:00 theatiner |
Burial Emilija Škarnulytė LT / NO 2022 | 60 min | Litauisch, engl. OmeU | German Premiere Emilija Škarnulytė LT / NO 2022 | 60 min | Lithuanian OV Engl. ST The dismantling of the Lithuanian nuclear power plant Ignalina, the most powerful nuclear reactor in the world during the Soviet era, turns into a symbolic funeral. Imaginary images conquer the technoid world. A snake lashes along the control panels, a vague metaphor for the fall from grace that mankind is committing against nature. A plea against the peaceful use of nuclear power that begins to float poetically and is at the same time politically explosive. thursday 6 oct 19:00 | opening night |
Camuflaje (Camouflage) Jonathan Perel AR 2022 | 93 min | Span. OV Engl. ST Topography of the horror of the Argentine military dictatorship. The Campos de Mayo army compound was once a concentration camp, and the author Félix Bruzzone’s parents “disappeared” here. Jogging, he measures the formerly forbidden zone like a Tarkovskyan stalker running through and away from history. sunday 9 oct 19:30 werkstattkino |
Coma Bertrand Bonello FR 2022 | 80 min | French OV Engl. ST With Julia Faure, Gaspard Ulliel, Vincent Lacoste, Louis Garrel Lockdown because of too much heat: What Bonello continues to spin as a phantasm of the Corona experience came dangerously close to reality this summer. Hypnotic mixture of essay, diary and horror vision about a young woman who meets the perfect net appearances of the influencer Patricia Coma. tuesday 11 oct 18:00 theatiner |
Detours (Obkhodniye puti) Ekaterina Selenkina RU/NL 2021 | 73 min | Russ. OV Engl. ST The streets, buildings and terrains vagues of Moscow show much prefabricated construction, little glamor. A young man walks the desolate places and hides packages. A dangerous job, because drug possession alone is severely punished in Russia. Thoughtful topography of a city that has become abstract. saturday 8 oct 19:30 werkstattkino | Guest: Ekaterina Selenkinaino |
El Gran Movimiento Kiro Russo BO/QA/FR/CH 2021 | 85 min | Span. OV Engl. ST Elder, a miner, travels to La Paz, Bolivia, terminally ill, to demonstrate against the loss of his job. Like him, the city is on its last legs. A shaman and a fortune teller are called in to help. An almost fantastic tale that comes directly from the documentary abysses of a mystically conceived world. wednesday 12 oct 18:00 theatiner |
Love Is A Dog from Hell Khavn DE / PH 2021 | 90 min | Tagalog, Engl. OV Engl. ST With Lilith Stangenberg Hunger, poverty, violence and drugs strike a chord in this visually stunning cacophony of the big city, while Lilith Stangenberg fights her way to the cemetery as the furious Orphea. She wants to bring her beloved Eurydiko, who has just perished from food poisoning, back to the living. friday 07 oct 21:30 werkstattkino |
Magdala Damien Manivel FR 2022 | 78 min | no dialogues | German Premiere With Elsa Wolliaston Physical cinema and masterpiece of sensual mysticism. Dancer Elsa Wolliaston (“Isadora’s Children”) heaves her powerful body through a European jungle. By now arduously aged, she embodies the aged Mary Magdalene, a figure of art history lost in love, here once again reanimated in an impressive physical presence. wednesday 12 oct 19:30 werkstattkino |
A Night of Knowing Nothing Best Dokumentary, Cannes Payal Kapadia FR/IN 2021 | 96 min | Hindi, Bengal. OV Engl. ST A box of love letters is found on the campus of the Film and Television Institute of India. They bear witness to the incursion of the Hindu nationalist BJP under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in office since May 2014, into the left-liberal environment of the film school. Dreamlike 16mm images, taken from a fictional archive, show a society that has become wistful and can no longer afford sentimentality. saturday 8 oct 21:30 werkstattkino |
Rampart Marko Grba Singh RS 2021 | 61 min | Serb. OV Engl. ST An abandoned apartment in Belgrade. Dark corners, nooks and outlines of furniture long since cleared away awaken memories of the filmmaker’s childhood. Old video recordings of his grandfather are the vehicle for a journey through time: Back to childhood in Yugoslavia in the late nineties. With family, garden house, hamster and dog – and artillery on the horizon. tuesday 11 oct 19:30 werkstattkino |
Tara Volker Sattel, Francesca Bertin DE/IT 2022 | 86 min | Ital. OV Engl. ST | German Premiere In Taranto, Apulia, the steel factory dominated life for decades. Air pollution and fractures in the social fabric of the more than 3,000-year-old city are the result. Now the traditions and myths collide with the ominous belief in progress. Attentively, Volker Sattel’s camera captures the contrasts and subtle nuances of a betrayed place that won’t give up. friday 07 oct 21:00 filmmuseum | Guests: Volker Sattel, Francesca Bertin |
Way Out Ahead of Us Rob Rice USA 2022 | 87 min | engl. OF In Daggett, a town of 200 people in the middle of the California desert, a man keeps his incurable illness a secret from his daughter, who wants to move to Los Angeles. A social drama with documentary underpinnings that aims right at the heart of the American dream. wednesday 12 oct 21:30 werkstattkino |

Labor of Love: Filmschule Friedl Kubelka
“Where the skill follows the will.” Dante’s famous bon mot is the motto of the Vienna School of Independent Film, which focuses on the passion for a subject and its realization on analog film material. A showcase of works on the possibilities of analog.
monday 10 oct 21:30 werkstattkino
Guests: Gudrun Fürlinger (Alumna), Philipp Fleischmann (school director)

dokumente & experimente (shorts)
Aralkum German Premiere | Best Short Documentary, Nyon Daniel Asadi Faezi, Mila Zhluktenko UZ / DE 2022 | 13 min | Kazakh OV Engl. ST „First the water disappeared, then the fish and later even the foxes. In the end, only man remained. Aral,” the narrator finally addresses the lake, “when my children ask me about you, what can I tell them?“ thursday 6 oct 19:00 filmmuseum opening night | Zu Gast: Daniel Asadi Faezi, Mila Zhluktenko |
Ballet anémic Siegfried A. Fruhauf AT 2022 | 6 min | no dialogues | German Premiere Movements of industrial meat processing machines cast in cinematic structures. Bloodless cinema. Heartbeat of the apparatus. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
Camera Test Siegfried A. Fruhauf AT 2022 | 4 min | no dialogues | German Premiere While the green start tape of the 16mm film is still running, the rattling sound already swears us to a forward movement. And indeed: it goes forward, but it also goes back again, past hills, fir trees and apple trees. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
Deus ex Machina Anssi Kasitonni FI 2021 | 4 min | fin. OmeU The illusion breaks when the viewer can see the threads. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
First Time Nicolaas Schmidt DE 2021 | 50 min | no dialogues A Common Sensations Music Movie. On the road, listening to music. The world is changing. Two boys meet each other. montag 10 okt 19:30 werkstattkino | dok & exp short encounters Zu Gast: Marian Freistühler, Frédéric Jaeger, Nicolaas Schmidt |
Die geheimnisvollen Inseln Marian Freistühler DE 2021 | 23 min | dt. OmeU Cruise ships are anchored in the port of Hamburg. A young man, stranded on the banks of the Elbe, watches couples in the sunset. He buys some snacks and imagines life on the other side of the river. montag 10 okt 19:30 werkstattkino | dok & exp short encounters Zu Gast: Marian Freistühler, Frédéric Jaeger, Nicolaas Schmidt |
Me and Ma and Everything and Nothing Sasha Pirker AT 2022 | 12 min | engl. OV | German Premiere Full moon night, long shot. Indulge in the lunar affliction now, without becoming lunatic. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
the mystery Rainer Knepperges DE 2021 | 3 min | no dialogues The Parque de la Alameda in Malaga, Spain, is home to the famous “lone wobbling leaf,” a fascinating phenomenon with no scientific explanation. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
Sehr gepflegt und gut gelegen Lukas Marxt, Jakub Vrba AT/DE 2021 | 9 min | dt. OF Villa, meadow, ornamental trees: 9 minutes frontal and rigid. “Dad! You can come out on the balcony now!” tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
El sembrador de estrellas (The Sower of the Stars) Lois Patiño | ES 2022 | 25 min | Japan. OV Engl. ST With Yumiko Teramoto, Tetsuro Mareda In the deep night, the silhouette of Tokyo shines in the distance. Ships come across the water, people sleeping on board. The night liquefies. The film is pure aesthetics of the ephemeral, is ethereal and fantastic. thursday 6 oct 19:00 filmmuseum opening night |
Le Saboteur Anssi Kasitonni FI 2022 | 12 min | fin. OmeU | German Premiere An ex-saboteur wants to get active again, his plans are thwarted because his tricks are uncovered. An action film about the adventure of analog filmmaking – with all the special effects. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
Der Sendlinger Tor Okin Cznupolowsky DE 2022 | 15 min | dt. OF | World Premiere Snapshots from the story of a Munich city walker which they call Der Sendlinger Tor. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
Social Skills Henry Hills AT/BE 2021 | 12 min | no dialogues | German Premiere Scenes from the 60 Days workshop conducted by choreographer David Zambrano at his Brussels art center TIC TAC, captured on 16mm film. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
under the microscope Michaela Grill AT/CA 2021 | 7 min | no dialogues The furious remounting of science films from the 1920s succumbs instantly to fascination: their value as educational material could never be detached from their aesthetic appeal as pure cinematic spectacle. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
Unterwegs im Namen der Kaiserin – Prequel Jovana Reisinger DE 2022 | 17 min | dt. OmeU Karlheinz, Magda Gustav and Romy are in search of the fountain of youth. Will they stay young forever? tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
Ununterbrochen reden Frédéric Jaeger DE 2021 | 13 min | dt. OmeU Martin and his little daughter are supposed to meet the mother now, but she prefers to have fun with friends on the jetty as if there were no tomorrow. montag 10 okt 19:30 werkstattkino | dok & exp short encounters Zu Gast: Marian Freistühler, Frédéric Jaeger, Nicolaas Schmidt tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night sh |
*WOMEN (Nico) Karin Fisslthaler AT 2021 | 3 min | no dialogues Homage to the icon who disassembles her image and reassembles it in audiovisual body collages. An exciting remix, a portrait in constant transformation. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |
*WOMEN (Valie) Karin Fisslthaler AT 2021 | 7 min | no dialogues Long-term tribute to Valie Export, pioneer of feminist action art and icon in 20th century art history. tuesday 11 oct 21:00 werkstattkino | dok & exp long night short |