A rhythmic evocation of primal fire, in which blazing flames revive bones and natural elements. Xiuhtecuhtli, the Aztec god of fire, warmth and light, can be glimpsed in the brilliance of the colour.
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
MX 2023
16 min | no dialogue
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
Mexican film collective founded in 2012 to dismantle commercial grammar and the ideology embedded in it. Their methods combine digital and analogue media, interventions in archival footage, mythology, agitprop, social protest and documentary poetry.
El Nido del Sol 2021 | Notes for a Deja Vu 2021 | Tonalli 2021 | Tierra en Trance 2023 | Xiuhtecuhtli 2023
M: Lluvia de Palos