Josef Graßl
DE 2021 | German Premiere
14 min | 16mm | German
DOP+E+S+Sales: Josef Graßl | Supported by the Alexander Tutsek Foundation
saturday 9 oct 5.00 pm werkstattkino | long shorts 3: analogue paradises | guest: Josef Graßl
Using the methods of filmmaking, I tried to trace my grandfather, the artist and glassmaker Bernhard Schagemann (* 1933, † 2016). The viscous state of hot glass, in which it is malleable, illustrates the temporal limitation imposed by the material, which also exists in (analog) film. In the titular sand casting technique, which Bernhard Schagemann preferred to use for sculptures, the negative form is lost when the casting is exposed. (Josef Graßl)
Josef Graßl b.1998 in Zwiesel, completed a bachelor’s degree at the Berlin Technical University of the Arts. In 2019 he participated in the restoration of G. J. Markopoulos’ “Eniaios”. During this time, he created his first 16mm works. He is currently studying restoration at the HTW Berlin with a focus on audiovisual media.