Around 50 five-second clips, which have been created regularly over the last three years, document the daily mood. The challenge was to create an animation lasting exactly five seconds almost every day using the simplest means. It is possible that many a stormy, changing mood of a midlife crisis-stricken filmmaker flashes up between the seconds.
Gudrun Fürlinger
AT 2023 5 min | no dialogue
Gudrun Fürlinger
Born 1974 in Freistadt, lives in Vienna since 1995. Master class in graphic design in Linz, studied painting at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Friedl Kubelka School for Independent Film, Vienna.
Films (selection)
Es liegt mir auf der Zunge 2018 | Das Geschenk 2018 (17. UX) | All of Me 2020 | Die Höhle
2021 (17. UX) | Ich im Raum 2022 (17. UX) | Five Seconds 2023
B+P: Gudrun Fürlinger