Nicolás Pereda
MX/CA 2020
70 min | HD | Spanish
Sc+E+P: Nicolás Pereda | DOP: Mariel Baqueiro | Sales: INTERIOR X II I | With Lázaro Gabino Rodríguez, Luisa Pardo, Francisco Barreiro, Teresita Sánchez
friday 8 oct 19.30 werkstattkino
A playful artist of the switch-up, Mexico-born filmmaker Nicolás Pereda creates shifting, often elusive fictions with a recurring troupe of actors. Staging much of the unpredictable action in nondescript and deserted locales, Pereda allows the strains of menace and even violence that can shadow ordinary life in Mexico to seep into his film. (Nicolas Rapold) Breezy and pitch perfect, FAUNA is a film about the power of the subconscious, told with uncanny humour and confidence. The film’s ingenious framing devices, elegant widescreen compositions, and dusty hues are perfectly attuned to its suspenseful yet playful stratagems. With his mischievous and nimble dissection of archetypal roles, Pereda proves there’s great pleasure in the telling, enlisting our imagination at each step of the way. (Andrea Picard)
Nicolás Pereda Born 1982 in Mexico. Studied film at York University in Toronto. His work explores everyday life as fractured and elliptical narratives through fictional and documentary means.
Films (selection) El palacio 2013 | Los ausentes 2014 | Minotauro 2015 | Historias de dos que soñaron 2016 | Mi piel, luminosa 2019 | Fauna 2020