The film unfolds like a bildungsroman, animated with the whimsical imagination of a folk tale. Flippa is its main character. Her mother has disappeared. We see her along the roads that lead her to her sister Furia and the witch-mothers of Barranconi in Sardinia. “Do you think this is why mama left? Because she couldn’t bear to pass on the rules of a world that steals our freedom?” With its caustic analysis of Jane Austen’s ”Persuasion”, a chainsaw slashing Christian symbols and the materialistic views on the exploitation of women, ”Losing Faith” is
a breath of fresh air that’s not afraid of the excesses or insolent vitality of its actors. – FIDMarseille
Martha Mechow
AT, DE 2023 | German Premiere
100 min | German, English, Italian
Martha Mechow
Studies film at the Hfbk in Hamburg and works as a freelance director and author. Together with Leonie Jenning as the Bäckerei Harmonie collective, she stages productions at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg Platz. Is active in the expressive forms of theatre, film and visual arts.
Die ängstliche Verkehrsteilnehmerin 2023
K: Nils Jakob Timm, Luis August Krawen | M: Fee Aviv Marschall, Toni Mosebach | S: Felix Leitner | T: Sebastian Dieterle | Animation: Luis August Krawen | Ausstattung / Kostüme: Nina Mechow, Yasmin El Yassini | P: Hans Broich, SUPERZOOM Film | V: Sixpackfilm | Mit Selma Juana Schulte-Frohlinde, Ann Göbel, Joseph Löcker, Inga Busch, Max Grosse Majench, Susanne Bredehöft, Yasmin El Yassini, Leonie Jenning