A group of inhabitants of a correctional colony for people of small stature raises a riot against the local order. Tired of adhering to the many rules that require good behavior from them, they decide to become bad. Their immediate leader (also a dwarf) is forced to take refuge in one of the premises while waiting for the police to arrive. Meanwhile, the rioters are having fun: they beat dishes and glasses, start a car and eventually break it, kill a big pig, scoff at blind dwarfs living next door, arrange cockfights, set fire to flowerpots with their favorite colors, and so on. – La Cinétek
Werner Herzog
BRD 1970
96 min | German
Werner Herzog
Born 1942 in Munich, filmmaker, actor and author.
Co-founder of the New German Cinema, which he very quickly outgrew to establish himself worldwide with his unique work.
Films (selection)
Lebenszeichen 1968 | Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen 1970 | Land des Schweigens und der Dunkelheit 1971 | Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes 1972 | Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle 1974 | Herz aus Glas 1976 | Stroszek 1977 | Nosferatu – Phantom der Nacht 1979 | Woyzeck 1979 | Fitzcarraldo 1982 | Where the Green Ants Dream 1984 | Cobra Verde 1987 | Lektionen in
Finsternis 1992 | Mein liebster Feind 1999 | Grizzly Man 2005 | Rescue Dawn 2006 | Queen of the Desert 2015
B: Werner Herzog | K: Thomas Mauch | M: Florian Fricke | S: Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus | P: Francisco Ariza | V: Werner Herzog Filmproduktion | Kopie: Filmmuseum München | Mit Helmut Döring, Gerd Gickel, Paul Glauer, Erna Gschwendtner, Pepi
Hermine, Gisela Hertwig, Gerhard März