Oliver Pietsch
Oliver Pietsch born 1972 in Munich, lives in Berlin. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and Berlin. Pietsch is a specialist for found footage films that trace profound confrontations with existence in fictional images.
Films Maybe Not (1. UX 01) 2005 | Domin, Libra Nos (2. UX) 2006 | Love Comes To Me 2007 | The Shape of Things (3. UX), Because (3. UX) 2008 From Here to Eternity (5. UX) 2010 | Blood 2011 (6. UX) | Tales of Us 2014 Limerence 2018 | Time Time 2019
Time Time
2019 | Video, Sound
23 min | English
I+S+P: Oliver Pietsch | Image: Found Footage
Fear of Age in Hollywood. With found footage from feature films, Pietsch compiles a quick walkthrough around age. It's about the real aging of film stars and topics related to the aging process: Time, beauty, illness and nothing less than the meaning of life. Music and film dialogues take over the commentary function from the off.