Weitermachen Sanssouci 
Music and Apocalypse


Max Linz 

DE 2019
80 min | HD | German

B: Max Linz, Nicolas von Passavant | DOP: Carlos Andrés Lópe | E: Bernd Euscher, René Frölke | S: Andreas Mücke-Niesytka | P: Maximilian
Haslberger, Amerikafilm, Cooky Ziesche, RBB | D: Filmgalerie 451 | With Sarah Ralfs, Sophie Rois, Maryam Zaree

friday | 11 oct 9.00 pm | filmmuseum 

The Institute for Cybernetics and Simulation Research is threatened with closure – the starting point for this satire about how the university system is to be transformed into a turbo-capitalist research machine. Max Linz crafts his film with a keen sense of Berlin’s sensitivities, urban backdrops, office decor and academic attire. And he exaggerates decadent university jargon with gusto, its buzzwords functioning almost like the bait in behavioural studies. By the end, the film has practically become a musical, with a catchy tune that could be a post-capitalist revolutionary anthem: "Why can’t it be nice here, why are we not happy?"

Max Linz   
born 1984 in Frankfurt am Main. He studied film science and directing in Berlin and Paris, works as a filmmaker and lecturer and publishes on film policy and aesthetic topics.

Das Oberhausener Gefühl 2012 | Ich will mich nicht künstlich aufregen 2014 (9. UX) | Weitermachen Sanssouci 2019