Die Kinder der Toten


Kelly Copper, Pavol Liška

AT 2019
90 min | Super8 on HD | silent with German intertitles

B+DOP+E: Kelly Copper, Pavol Liška
Text: Elfriede Jelinek | S: David Almeida-
Ribeiro | M: Wolfgang Mitterer
P: Ulrich Seidl | D: OlympFilm | With Andrea Maier, Greta Kostka, Klaus Unterrieder

Friday | 11 oct 10.30 pm | werkstattkino 

In her 666-page ghost novel “The Children of the Dead”, Elfriede Jelinek allows the deceased to rise again – even those with swastikas and yellow stars usually so gladly forgotten. Can Jelinek’s themes be adapted to film, not to mention her way with language? The directorial duo from the Nature Theater of Oklahoma were unafraid to try, conscious that the idea might not work. Using amateur actors and Super 8 film in the original Styrian settings, they carried out a transposition, to borrow a musical term: from text to silent film, complete with brass-band music. Or rather a “heimat” film, a home-movie horror, in which the vulgar and the ridiculous survived the shift intact. 

Kelly Copper
  born 1971 in Gainesville, Florida, USA. In 1996 she founded the Nature Theater of Oklahoma with Pavol Liska in New York. The Children of the Dead is her first film.

Pavol Liška    born 1973 in Skalica, Czechoslovakia. The Children of the Dead is his first film.