Traces of Garden



Wolfgang Lehmann

SE/DE 2014-16
German Premiere

71 min – no dialogue

P+V: Wolfgang Lehmann – M: Ralf Freudenberger – Mit Amparo Tamayan & Shichiro Ozu

sunday 14 oct 8 pm werkstattkino

TRACES OF GARDEN is a poetic relation about colour, shapes and movement. The pictures based on recorded material with water, trees, landscapes and a love scene.  The images aesthetic is a kind of digital neo-impressionisms. A key area is in fact the time, the viewer's presence in the visual flow. It is a kind of philosophical time the visitors are invited to join, to disappear in time and space. Structurally the work is based of repetitions, variations and metamorphoses of the image material – everything repeats itself, and at the same time it is never identical.
The film tells no story in a narrative sense.

Wolfgang Lehmann
   Born in Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany in 1967. Since 1994 he has realised and produced his own films, many of which have been shown internationally at festivals and in museums. He lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden, and occassionally in Rümpel, near Hamburg.

   Selbstbildnis als Akt; Studie Nr. 2 2002/03 – Der Klang des Meeres (zusammen mit Telemach Wiesinger) 2005 – Libellen mit Vögeln und Schlange 2011 (8. UX)