Albert Serra | Spain 2006 | 110 min.
Format: 35mm
Material: DV
Original language: Spanish
Script: Albert Serra, Jimmy Gimferrer, Montse Triola
Camera: Christophe Farnarier
Editing: Angel Martín
Sound: Ricard Casals, Joan Pons, Jordi Ribas
Music: Ferrant Font
Cast: Lluís Carbó, Lluís Serrat, Albert Pla
Production: Andergraun Films, Barcelona
Best Film Lancia Award 2006
Special Jury Prize Turin 2006
A hauntingly serene and sometimes moving experimental take on „Don Quixote“, Albert Serra’s Honor de Cavalleria seems to have spliced that spanisch classic to „Waitung for Godot“ via Bresson and Ozu. Silent and gentle where the original is verbose and tumultuous, Serra reads between the lines of Cervantes’ masterpiece and works its absences up into two hours of painterly auteur fare. With its beautifully nuanced and mostly voiceless thesping by the central duo, Honor de Cavalleria transmitts an appealing air of serenity. There’s no windmill in sight. (Jonathan Holland)
Albert Serra, born in 1975, Spain. He graduated in Spanish literature and comparative literature at the Universityof Barcelona, where he also studied art history. Besides writing, directing and producing films, Albert Serra writes and produces plays, e.g. the experimental "Setsuko", dedicated to Hara Setsuko, the favourite actress of Ozu Yasujiro. In 2001 he founded Andergraun Films together with MontserratTriola and Bartomeu Casellas.
Films: Crespià, the Film not the Village 2003 | Honor de Cavalleria 2006