6 BAGATELAS (6 Bagatelles)
Pedro Costa | F, P 2001 | 18 min.
Format: Beta SP
Material: Betacam
Original language: French
Camera: Pedro Costa
Editing: Pedro Costa
With Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub
Production: Contracosta Produções
"6 Bagatelas is a short feature made up of six short scenes excised from Costa’s documentary on Straub/Hulliet editing Sicilia!, called Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie?. They are mostly further, shorter examples of the many pleasures of that film: hearing Straub’s hyper-intelligent and partially exasperated rambles, seeing the humorous interplay between Huillet and Straub, and later even going outside, a singular moment in the project, to see Straub kick up his feet as he and Huillet wait for laundry to dry. There is significantly less time spent on actually seeing their editing process, although one of the short scenes is made up “merely” of the couple playing the credits with its music on the Moviola, Straub leaning over to say something (as always) and Huillet having to keep stopping the music with a screech to hear what he is uttering." - Daniel Kasman, d+kaz
Pedro Costa, born in Lisbon in 1959. Majored in history and literature at the University of Lisbon. Studied at the National Film School and worked as an assistant director with Joan Botelho and Jorge Silva Melo. He is one of the most respected contemporary portuguese directors.
Films: O sangue 1990 | Casa de lava 1994 | Ossos 1997 | No quarto da Vanda 2000 | Où gît votre sourire enfoui? 2001 | 6 Bagatelas (2001 | Ne change rien 2005 Juventude em marcha 2006