Jim Finn | USA 2006 | 71 min.
Format: Beta SP
Original language : Deutsch und Englisch
Script: Jim Finn
Camera: Dean DeMatteis, Butcher Walsh
Sound: Jim Becker, Colleen Burke, Jim
Music: Jim Becker, Colleen Burke
Cast: Nandini Khaund, Jim Finn, Dean
DeMatteis, Guran Milos u.a.
Production: Jim Finn
German Premiere
"Interkosmos started out in 2003 as a short film about an East German space mission whose communist mascot was the ‚meerschweinchen’ or guinea pig. Planned as a sequel to my film about the capitalist ‘Wüstenspringmaus’ of gerbil, it began to grow to include a space capsule interior, humans in costume, and a dance number." (Jim Finn)
Jim Finn, born in 1968 in St. Louis, USA, lives and works in Chicago. His short video and film work is internationally renomated; his award-winning film "Wüstenspringmaus" has become a festival favorite and a cult classic. He is founder of the experimental Video Mundi Festival. "Interkosmos" is his first feature Film.
Films: Sharambaba 1999 | Comunista! 2000 | El güero 2001 | Wüstenspringmaus 2002 | Decision 2003 | Super-max 2003 | Übermax 2004 | The Golden Horde 2004 | Lotería 2004-5 | Interkomsos 2006