beirut over and over again
fundraising film screening
Mittwoch 14 okt 20.30 | werkstattkino
zu gast: philip widmann
Justice for the victims, vengeance against the regime
4. August 2020 detonierten im Hafen von Beirut 2750 Tonnen
Ammoniumnitrat, die gesamte Stadt wurde von der
Katastrophe überzogen. Proteste im Anschluss wurden
unterdrückt. Der militärische Ausnahmezustand wurde
ausgerufen und bedroht seitdem die Freiheit, sich gegen
ein Regime zu stellen, das das Volk buchstäblich in die
Luft gesprengt hat. In einem Solidaritäts-screening zeigen
Nour Ouayda (Beirut) und Philip Widmann (Berlin) Kurzfilme
von Hassan Julien Chehouri, Danielle Arbid, Mohamed Soueid
& Ghassan Salhab, Jocelyne Saab.
Liste der Organisationen, für die Geld gesammelt wird:Spenden per PayPal weiterhin möglich. Empfänger:, Stichwort: Beirut; die Gelder werden nach Beirut weitergeleitet.Egna Legna Besidet እኛ ለኛ በስደት Fundraising for food and medicine for domestic workers affected by the explosion. Community-based feminist organisation working in Lebanon and Ethiopia and led by a former domestic worker. Sawa for Development and Aid Lebanese organisation that works with Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Disaster Relief for the transgender community Funding campaign for LGBTQ victims of the Beirut Explosion Matbakh El Balad Group of volunteer activists running food distribution. NB: this is not an NGO but I know them well and vouch for their trustworthiness. Basmeh and Zeitooneh for Relief and Development Foundation that supports the most marginalized communities in the Middle East. Lebanon Solidarity Fund by the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) and Cultural Resource (Al Mawred al Thaquafi) An international fundraising campaign to support the culture and the arts community within Beirut under the Lebanon Solidarity Fund. The raised funds will be fully channeled to support affected arts and culture organizations and spaces based on identification of urgent needs. The fund will also support individual artists who lost their homes, instruments and equipment.

fundraising film screening
LB 1982 – 2019 | ca. 85 min