Gaëlle Rouard
Juke Film Boxe
2-Projektoren-Performance auf 16mm
Gaëlle Rouard will mit ihren Filmen weg vom Schaukastenkino hin zu einem Erlebnis, wo Bilder, Töne und das eigene Erleben nicht mehr getrennt voneinander statt finden. „Durch die Veränderung der Grösse des Projektionsrahmens oder der Bilder durch gläserne Prismen oder Gelfilter" werden Bilder in den ganzen Raum, an Decken, Wände und den Boden, gestreut. Die Tonspur läuft dazu synchron oder asynchron, kann aber auch durch live eingespielte Musik ersetzt werden. Das Publikum befindet sich dadurch mitten im Film und wird von Bildern geradezu umspült. – Michael Freerix
Artikel von Michael Freerix, erschienen bei "new filmkritik"
Gaëlle Rouard, a film-maker alchemist specialising in the precipitation of silver on film, shows her films manipulating the two 16mm projectors live. She acts directly on the projection of the film, slowing down the flow of the film and bringing the shutter into play, using the sound button and numerous other things which are not seen in performance. These minute actions suggest that the work is as precise as that of a musician who knows how to place a given note at a given time: here it is the particular image of the projector illuminated at a particular time, that creates the effect of a visual score that must have been rehearsed many times and is a source of admiration for so much hard work. – Experimental Cinema
Performance Thursday 16/10 7.00 p.m., Galerie der KünstlerGaëlle Rouard, has been making films since early 90'. Long time member of the "102 rue d'Alembert", a venue dedicated to diffusion and creation of experimental music and film, also running "Atelier MTK" for a dozen years until 2006. She has developed and is still exploring various methods to chemical processing of the film. Performances with the images or the music by Etienne Caire, Lionel Palun, Jérôme Noetinger, amongst others.
Performances (selection): Lafoxe, several locations, 2008-2011 – Unter, Festival des Inattendus, Lyon 2012 – Hyperbang, IFF Rotterdam 2013 – Juke Film Boxe, Independent Film Show, Foundation Morra-Napoli